
Best Way to Use Oral Anabolic Steroids Within an Eight-Week Steroid Cycle

Q: “I’m planning on a bulking cycle at a dosing level of about a gram of steroids per week. I have testosterone enanthate 250 mg/mL and plenty of Dianabol, and I have a little oxandrolone too. I don’t want to use orals for more than 6 weeks total. Week by week, how would you dose these for an 8-week steroid cycle?”

A: Because you’re doing a bulking cycle and you’ll need more help for gains in the later weeks than in the earlier weeks, I’d schedule the orals for the last 6 weeks.

I’d start the first two weeks with only testosterone, plus an anti-aromatase for estrogen control.

A convenient ongoing dosing would be 200 mg intramuscularly via an insulin needle five days per week. The two off days would be 3 or 4 days apart. In one example, the off days could be Tuesday and Saturday.

If you prefer less frequent though larger injections, then I’d do 500 mg twice per week.

In either case, I’d frontload the first day’s injection to be 700 mg larger than your ongoing injections. So for example if your ongoing injections are 200 mg at a time, your first injection would be 900 mg.

The reason is that during a cycle, ordinarily your body will have not only what was just injected, but also an amount remaining from previous injections. On the first injection, you have nothing from previous injections. Frontloading gets the correct amount into your body on the first injection.

At the start of week 3, I’d add the Dianabol at 50 mg/day, and reduce the testosterone to 800 mg/week. The combination of the two is considerably stronger than 1000 mg/week testosterone; you can be confident in making this small reduction in testosterone dosage.

The only potential reason for not reducing the testosterone dosage at this point would be if at this time point you really aren’t satisfied with results at the higher dose. If you’ve done several cycles before at gram-plus per week doses, this could occur. If so, you could maintain the 1000 mg/week testosterone dosage while adding the Dianabol.

I’d end the testosterone injections in the middle of week 7. This is so by the start of week 9 or soon after, levels will be low enough to allow recovery to begin.

I’d strengthen week 8 with oxandrolone to compensate for falling levels of injected testosterone. I’d either use 50 mg/day oxandrolone throughout week 8, or start at 50 mg/day and go to about 75 mg/day in the final 3 or 4 days of the cycle. Which way to go would depend on how much oxandrolone you have, and personal preference. Your final outcome would be almost identical either way.

This cycle will remain effective throughout the entire 8 weeks, and then transition quickly to levels of exogenous androgen low enough to allow a fast recovery. This will be a very effective bulking cycle for anyone who has not already reached a plateau at this level of steroid usage.

Testosterone – The Good, the Bad, the Ugly

One of the most infamous hormones around is Testosterone. You hear Clueless news anchors about it on the evening news. You hear about it in the gym. You even read about it in the “growing older with style” magazines. Depending on who you talk to, it is both the good, the bad, and the ugly of hormones.

In bodybuilding it is hailed as the king of muscle builders. Among forward-thinking baby boomers it is considered the fountain of youth. In other circles it is pointed to as the cause of all men’s shortcomings including violence and sexual promiscuity. Finally, it has even been associated with potentially lethal diseases that threaten the lives of thousands of men each year. So how can one hormone be so many different things to so many different people? Taking a closer look at this complex hormone may shed some light on this question.

First, what exactly is testosterone? Testosterone is the principle male hormone and belongs to a class of steroid chemicals called androgens (andro = man, gen = to make). It is produced primarily in the testes but can also be made by enzymatically converting other androgens (e.g. androstenediol) secreted from the adrenal gland into testosterone. Testosterone plays a role in everything from growth and maintenance of the male sexual organs during puberty, to male pattern baldness in the later years. It also plays an important role in bone growth, sexual behavior, male fertility, muscle protein synthesis, as well as inducing the appearance of secondary male sexual characteristics such as facial hair, body hair, and deepening of the voice.

Research has shown that resistance exercise can significantly raise testosterone levels. (1) This is good news if you’re looking to build a more muscular body. When in comes to muscle growth, testosterone production is the key to success. Testosterone literally turns on the genetic machinery leading to bigger and stronger muscles. It works like this. Testosterone binds to receptors inside your muscle cells. These receptors then transport the testosterone molecule to the nucleus. The nucleus is where your DNA is located. Your DNA contains blue prints for every protein found in your body. This androgen receptor, once bound to testosterone, acts as a messenger that tells the DNA which proteins to make from the blue prints. In muscle tissue the whole process results in the production of contractile proteins, which are used to make your muscle contract more forcefully, as well as structural proteins that are used to make the cell larger to accommodate the new contractile proteins. In plain and simple terms, testosterone is a messenger that tells your muscles to grow! Still, this barely touches the surface of the many secondary roles testosterone plays in muscle tissue as well as in the brain.

Clearly, testosterone is important to both mind and body. Among the anti-aging crowd, testosterone stands as a symbol of youth and vitality. One of the signs of aging is a reduction in the circulating levels of testosterone. This in turn has been associated with a decrease in muscle mass and strength as the years go by. Doctors are now calling this “andropause”. (2) Through testosterone replacement therapy, many older patients express a sense of psychological well-being and vitality they haven’t experienced since they were 30 years younger. (3,4) If men desire it, in the near future hormone replacement for men will be just as common as it is for women today.

Unfortunately, testosterone is not free from negative effects on the body. One common undesirable effect of testosterone, which could be considered minor, is alopecia or male pattern baldness. The drug Propecia, a 5-alpha reductase inhibitor, prevents the conversion of testosterone into a more potent androgen called dihydrotestosterone (DHT). DHT, and a set of your parent’s genes, is responsible for male pattern baldness. In many men Propecia is effective at preventing further hair loss and even allowing some to grow back. (5) On a more serious note, DHT may also be a serious risk factor for some cancers such as prostate cancer. (6) Treatment of prostate cancer often involves a total elimination of circulating testosterone. Although this helps to reduce the growth rate of tumors, removing a man’s testosterone leaves him feeling emotionally disoriented, there is a complete loss of sex drive and sexual function, muscle is lost and fat patterning takes on a feminine characteristic, even hot flashes, usually associated with female menopause, are experienced.

All in all testosterone plays a very important role in a man’s sense of health and well-being. It is the major muscle-building hormone; it increases the strength of both muscles and bones, and even affects our brains. Certainly a man’s interest in keeping his testosterone levels optimized is justified despite the unavoidable risks and negative effects it may impart. A healthy lifestyle including proper diet and regular resistance exercise will ensure that you are getting all the benefits testosterone has to offer.

Growth Hormone vs. Testosterone, which one is better for bodybuilding?

I was one of the first private practitioners in the country to dispense growth hormone as part of an overall anti-program hormone replacement program for adults that fit the criteria of the “Adult Onset Growth Hormone Deficiency Syndrome”. Like many other anti-aging physicians, I was extremely impressed by the initial research on growth hormone showing dramatic improvements in body composition, kidney function, skin, mood, well being, etc. I have been a member of the Growth Hormone Research Society for many years and have closely followed all the latest research on growth hormone and other adult hormone replacement therapies. As the number of studies on growth hormone as well as testosterone has piled up since I first began prescribing testosterone, I believe now is the time to look back at the research and see if growth hormone and testosterone have lived up to their promises.

It is well established in bodybuilding circles that testosterone is superior to growth hormone for gaining muscle. However, growth hormone still is enormously popular and generally has a better reputation than testosterone both in bodybuilding and in anti-aging circles. The general impression is that testosterone will make you big, but at the price of acne, puffiness, temper tantrums, prostate enlargement, and possibly “gyno”. Well it is acknowledged that growth hormone is not as anabolic as testosterone, people still think of growth hormone as a hormone that will make you lean and toned with almost no side effects. Growth hormone also has a reputation as being the “fountain of youth” among anti-aging enthusiasts, whereas testosterone is still considered somewhat dangerous. The purpose of this article is to see how the research on testosterone and growth hormone from the last few years has supported or disputed the public’s view of these two hormones.

Which is Better for Body Composition?

New research has shed some light on the anabolic effects of growth hormone. Several studies in the past have shown an increase in lean body mass in subjects taking growth hormone. However, lean body mass does not necessarily mean muscle, but anything that is not fat and this includes water, organ tissue growth, bone mass, and connective tissue growth. My friend Michael Mooney (author of Built to Survive and editor of the Medibolics Newsletter) has helped publicize the fact that not much, if any, of the lean mass gained while on growth hormone is actually muscle. One recent study on HIV positive test subjects showed no significant change in skeletal muscle mass after taking six milligrams (about 18 units) per day of growth hormone for 12 weeks.(1) Another study, also on HIV positive test subjects, also showed a lack of muscle growth when doses of nine milligrams (roughly 27 units) per day were given.(2) Keep in mind that HIV positive individuals are often suffering from muscle wasting conditions, which should make themmore responsive to any possible anabolic effects of growth hormone. Growth hormone is probably equally ineffective in healthy individuals.

One study on young (aged 22-33), highly trained athletes did show a significant increase in lean mass after six weeks of taking 2.67 milligrams (about 8 units) per day.(3) However this increase was only 4%, and may have not included any muscle mass at all. It seems overwhelming clear that growth hormone is either non-anabolic or very weakly anabolic for skeletal muscle when taken by itself, and it definitely not worth the large price if you are taking it solely for gaining muscle. The only real use in gaining muscle may be as a synergistic agent with testosterone. A synergistic effect of taking growth hormone with testosterone has been reported for increases in lean mass, but further research needs to be done to see if this synergistic effects holds for skeletal muscle. Keep in mind that some increases in lean mass are not desirable. Growing some organs too big such as kidneys can produce some embarrassing effects seen in some professional bodybuilders. You do not want your “guts” sticking blatantly out of your body.

But enough on growth hormone for muscle gain. For information, see Bryan Haycock’s article in this issue or go to Michael Mooney’s web site. If you are going to spend the money on growth hormone to try to improve your body, your best bet is to use it as a fat loss or “sculpting” agent. The previously mentioned study with growth hormone on trained athletes did show an impressive 12% decrease in bodyfat. So well it is well established that testosterone is far, far better for building muscle than growth hormone, is growth hormone the better choice for fat loss? The research on this issue is mixed, and there is no easy answer to this question.

One recent study put growth hormone head to head with testosterone and measured its effects on fat loss. In this study, men on growth hormone lost an average of 13% of their bodyfat compared to 5.8% in the group taking testosterone.(4) But before you jump to conclusions, there are a couple of reasons why this study doesn’t settle the question. For one thing, this study was on very old individuals (aged 65 to 88) who had low IGF-1 and testosterone levels. Another problem is that the doses of the hormones haven’t been reported yet (the study is only in abstract form right now) which also makes the comparison difficult to make. Most interesting about this study was that a synergistic effect was found in a group taking both testosterone and growth hormone, as they lost an average of 21% of their bodyfat. This is more than the averages of the testosterone alone and growth hormone alone groups combined.

Not all studies have shown this dramatic of an effect on body fat. One study using fairly large doses (adjusted by weight, but roughly 5 mg per day) on obese women failed to show any significant effects on body fat.(5) The growth hormone group lost less than two pounds more than the placebo group over a one month period. The main significant result was that the growth hormone group lost much less lean mass (an average loss of 1.52 kg compared to 3.79 in the placebo). While this may seem impressive, the same results could be achieved with a caffeine/ephedrine formula at a fraction of the price. While there are a good number of studies showing growth hormone to be effective for fat loss, testosterone may be almost as good for this purpose.

Testosterone was recently found to be effective for fat loss in young men even in small doses. One recent study showed that men given only 100 milligrams per week of testosterone enanthate lost an average of six percent of their bodyfat after eight weeks.(6) 100 mg per week is generally considered a very low dose by bodybuilding standards. Most impressive about this study was that the result was obtained in young, normal healthy men (aged 18 to 45), not obese or testosterone deficient. Most of the studies showing positive effects with hormone replacement therapy are on subjects who are obese or hormone deficient – i.e. the very subjects most likely to respond. While the amount of muscle gain reported in this study was not reported (it is still just in abstract form), another study showed 100 mg per week of testosterone enanthate was not anabolic.(7) It appears that testosterone has a strong mechanism for fat loss other than increased metabolic rate from increased muscle. Considering how much cheaper testosterone is than growth hormone, it may well be the cost-effective choice for burning fat even if it is slightly less effective overall.

Safety of Growth Hormone and Testosterone

Testosterone is widely believed to be far more dangerous than growth hormone. However, recent research is rapidly showing that much of these dangers have been exaggerated. For instance, the hypothesis that testosterone causes prostate cancer has never been established. In fact, one study even showed a slight negative correlation between testosterone levels and prostate cancer! A study on young men given supraphysiologic doses of testosterone showed no change is prostate specific antigen (PSA), which is one measure of prostate cancer risk.(8)

Growth hormone may also be less dangerous to the prostate than previously believed. One study showed strong positive correlation with prostate cancer and IGF-1 levels.(9) Since growth hormone stimulates IGF-1 synthesis in the liver, this study and others bring up the possibility of a link of growth hormone and prostate and breast cancer. Keep in mind that statistical correlations do not necessarily prove causality, i.e. IGF-1 has not yet been proven to be a cancer-causing villain. Actually IGF-11 may be one of the culprits in the cancer story, and not IGF-1. At the Serano sponsored Symposia on the Endocrinology of Aging in October, 1999 and at the Endocrine Society Meeting in June, 1999 there was an informal consensus that patients on growth hormone did not increase their risk of breast or prostate cancer. Several other recent studies have also cast doubt on the role of growth hormone as a cancer-causing villain.

Testosterone may have also gotten a bad rap for its effects on blood lipids. Since testosterone and otheranabolic steroids have been shown in some studies to lower HDL cholesterol levels, it was believed that testosterone may increase the risk for heart disease. This was refuted in one recent study on testosterone that showed some positive results. A study on 21 hypogonadal men (aged 36 to 57) showed a replacement dose of testosterone using the Androderm transdermal patch to reduce blood clotting.(9) While HDL levels did drop slightly, blood coagulability is believed to be the more important marker of heart disease risk. Another study showed a very strong negative correlation with testosterone levels and heart disease.

Growth hormone has shown mixed results on its effects on heart disease risk. One study on elderly men and women (aged 65-88) showed that growth hormone administration to lower LDL levels, but raised triglyceride levels.(10) Since high LDL and triglyceride levels are considered measures of heart disease risk, growth hormone’s effects on heart disease risk are ambiguous. However, long-term use of growth hormone as been shown to decrease the thickness of the carotid artery lining – i.e. increased room for blood flow.

While much more research needs to be done, I am convinced right now that testosterone replacement therapy in hypogonadal men may be safer than excessively large doses of growth hormone. The long-term studies have not yet been done to test the true long-term effects of these hormones, but the research seems quite clear at the moment. Michael Mooney has reported similar results on safety and side effects of these hormones:

While none of the studies on testosterone or anabolic steroids used for HIV have documented any significant health problems associated with their proper therapeutic use, Dr. Gabe Torres’ data on his patients who experienced a reduction in symptoms of HIV-related lipodystrophy with Serostim growth hormone showed that at the standard 5 and 6 mg doses, 80 percent of his HIV patients experienced significant side effects, that included elevated glucose, elevated pancreatic enzymes, or carpal tunnel syndrome. (1)


Don’t get me wrong – I still use both growth hormone and testosterone as part of overall anti-aging programs in my patients. This article is not meant to say one hormone is “good” and another is “bad”. It is just my opinion at the moment that the overall benefit/cost ratio for improving body composition is higher with testosterone than growth hormone. By cost, I mean both the monetary price – testosterone is far cheaper than growth hormone, and the side effect/safety profile – testosterone is safer than high-dose growth hormone use.

Since growth hormone is extremely expensive and perhaps riskier than testosterone, I screen patients very carefully and only recommend it to those who either have very low IGF-1 levels and fail growth hormone stimulation tests, or those who have failed to respond to testosterone or other therapies. The new research has also made me confident in encouraging more and more patients to go on testosterone. However, we must keep constant track of the new research to better refine both anti-aging and bodybuilding programs. The science of hormone supplementation is still in its infancy, and there is still a lot more questions that need to be answered.

What Can I Do About Testicular Atrophy While on Testosterone Replacement Therapy?

Q: I am a 38 y/o male, and I have hypogonadism. I have been taking either testosterone cypionate or enanthate for 8 years to treat the condition. My endocrinologist has had me on 400mg every 3 weeks with no time off, and it has “removed” my “boys”. I live in a rural area of Alabama, and no other doctors here know anything about any of this. I can’t afford to travel too far, but I’d like to be able to still have children if it isn’t too late with the way I’ve been prescribed the testosterone IM’s for so long. I need advice as to an HCG – human chorionic gonadotropin/testosterone regimen, hopefully to restore my “boys”, and remain fertile. Basically, I need any suggestions on how to take these two together to stay fertile if it is not too late. Even if it is too late for fertility, I’d like to add the HCG anyway because of shrinkage and have my sack drop back, ;-)

A: Jim. Your complaints are not uncommon. These are the things you have to deal with very often with long-term androgen replacement therapy. You actually have two very common issues going on here that you want to address.

On the one hand is fertility. This is going to be an issue, as long-term testosterone administration generally reduces fertility. In fact, the drug is a fairly reliable as a male birth control option. This is due to the fact that you are flooding your blood with androgens from an outside source. This interrupts the normal hormone production cycle, a part of which involves the stimulation of spermatogenesis. If you want to have children, I suspect you are going to have to change your medical focus from androgen replacement to hormonal recovery and fertility. I know you had low androgen levels to begin with, but this doesn’t necessarily mean you are infertile, nor that normal hormone levels cannot be restored. In many cases a physician will initiate androgen as a fast way to alleviate the symptoms of low testosterone. Often an approach to endogenous (internal) hormonal recovery is still very viable. I would look into it.

Secondly, regardless of your state of fertility you would like advice on restoring “your boys” not normal size. Testicular atrophy, again, is a common side effect of androgen replacement therapy. This is also due to the hormonal disruption caused by exogenous testosterone, as I am sure you already know. For a long time, the advice had been to use HCG for only brief periods of time, usually isolated to the post-cycle window. This was done for fear that the drug may over stimulate the testes and cause desensitization to LH/HCG (interfering with recovery). Indeed, there is a great deal of support for this side effect of HCG use in the medical literature. More recently, however, successful protocols for the use of HCG regularly during hormone replacement therapy have been proposed. The most notable work in this area comes from Dr. John Crisler, who, after a long period of testing with pateints, had discovered that a low dose of HCG (250-350IU most commonly) twice per week could maintain testicular volume without desensitizing the cells to HCG. These protocols are now used by many testosterone recipients for dealing with the often very troubling cosmetic issue of testicular atrophy. I would point your physician to Dr. Crisler’s website for more information. An exact link to the HCG paper is below: 

Do You Recommend Testosterone Only Cycles?

Q: I have two 10ml bottles CentrinoLab testosterone enanthate (250mg/ml). Is this enough for a cycle? I read that you should always use testosterone as a base, but that you need to stack it with other drugs too. How do you feel about a testosterone only cycle like this?

A: Two bottles of testosterone enanthate can certainly be enough for a cycle, especially if you are like most steroid users and take moderate doses for physique enhancement, and are not trying to win a major bodybuilding show. If it were I, I’d probably consider taking 400mg (2ml) per week for 10 weeks. This would be a nice length of time for good gains to accrue, and a sufficient dose of testosterone to support these gains. In general, I view testosterone as one of the safest and most effective anabolic/androgenic steroids. It seems to support all of the general actions required for mass gains. Testosterone possesses significant anabolic and androgenic activity, measurable anti-catabolic properties, and a moderate level of estrogenicity. All play their own role in supporting growth.

Testosterone is also not a c-17 methylated (alkylated) steroid, and is therefore readily broken down in the liver. This is a trait that allows it to also be far less stressful to serum lipids (HDL/LDL cholesterol) and hepatic enzymes than methylated steroids. Its moderate estrogenicity also helps to minimize the negative impacts on HDL/LDL cholesterol that can come with steroid administration. Studies have shown that in doses under 600mg per week, negative cholesterol alterations are noticed, but not “dramatic”. In many instances an individual can take 300-400mg of testosterone ester per week and not notice an HDL/LDL ratio shift outside of what is considered the normal range. Don’t get me wrong; there are always risks with steroid use, and even with these moderate doses of a mild drug you will still be shifting your cholesterol levels in a negative direction to some extent. If one is cautious, however, a testosterone-only cycle cannot only be effective, but it can be far safer than almost any multi-drug stack one might consider.

How Safe is a Testosterone Plus Deca Durabolin Stack?

Question: Would a 10-week steroid cycle of 600 mg of Testosterone Enanthate and 200mgs of Nandrolone Decanoate weekly be relatively safe with regard to blood lipids? These two studies suggest to me that it would be safe: testosterone study and nandrolone decanoate study.

Answer: Not based on those studies, but practical experience, cycling on and off of a protocol such as that can be safe and ordinarily is.

An example of where it could be a health risk would be in a person who is driven into very high blood pressure with it. Or if it were observed that blood lipid profile was just awful while on-cycle, then it would be advisable to use such a protocol only rather few weeks per year. Being “on” for example half the time if personally having a large adverse effect on blood lipid profile might well add to health risk. It probably would, I would think, just as an opinion.

The studies you mentioned don’t look at that combination. The testosterone study found little change in blood lipid profile; in the nandrolone study, they didn’t bother measuring LDL and HDL separately for some reason, so not much can be said there on outcome.

It isn’t unusual in practice thought for blood lipid profile to be worse during a steroid cycle.

10 weeks is certainly long enough for a cycle to be effective.

Comparisons should be as equal as possible. Rather than saying “Well a 14 week cycle will obviously do more than a 7 week cycle,” which is kind of brain-dead, a better comparison is “I’m thinking of being ‘on’ half the weeks of the year and using this particular total amount of drugs per year. Which is going to do better for me: two 14 week cycles per year, or four 7 week cycles?”

The answer is the latter.

This is not to say that something such as a 12 week cycle never makes sense. For example, if there’s a specific date to be met such as a contest, it makes sense to use the longer cycle timed to peak at that date.

How long would pct be run after such a cycle?

There’s never a need to run it past the point where good testosterone production is restored. Depending on the individual and the cycle, this is typically but not always 2-4 weeks, assuming the PCT is started at the point where levels from injectables have fallen sufficiently to allow recovery to begin.

Is tapering of the steroids up and down a good idea or not?

Not for bodybuilding purposes.

It is more efficient to be at the most-desired level for gains versus side effects or cost considerations, or at a level allowing natural LH production, rather than spending needless time at intermediate levels that aren’t much if any good for either gains or recovery.

Should Trenbolone Be Stacked with Testosterone?

Q: How do you feel about using trenbolone by itself? Many people say this is a bad idea. But what is the rationale for stacking trenbolone with testosterone? How would you suggest combining trenbolone and testosterone or trenbolone with other anabolic steroids?

A: There’s more than one approach.

One approach is to use an amount of trenbolone that stays within the comfortable range for the individual user and likewise uses only an amount of testosterone that the user finds suitably mild in terms of side effects. An example might be using 50 mg/day of trenbolone acetate (or a total of about 350 mg/week of trenbolone enanthate) and 250-500 mg/week of testosterone.

Another approach is to supplement fairly strong testosterone use, such as 1000 mg/week, with say 50 mg/day of trenbolone acetate.

Still another approach is to go strong with the trenbolone, which might be 75 or 100 mg/day, use Anadrol and perhaps Winstrol as well, and add testosterone mostly for the sake of the resulting estrogen. In this case the testosterone dose would be 100-200 mg/week.

Here there will be a slight increase in anabolic effect from that small amount of added testosterone, but the real reason for use in that example is that the chosen oral steroids don’t aromatize, and neither does trenbolone.

When no aromatizing steroid is taken, and doses are high enough to yield complete suppression, and HCG is not taken, estradiol levels usually drop too low.

Taking a modest amount of testosterone such as 100-200 mg/week avoids this problem.

Replacing the natural testosterone with a like amount of injected testosterone avoids undesired changes in estrogen level.

But the direct problem that would exist otherwise is not lack of testosterone (which isn’t a problem provided other androgens cover all of its activity) but lack of estrogen.

Dianabol, for example, could also solve the problem.

With say a trenbolone/Dianabol stack, then there is no need for testosterone. The two steroids cover all the bases for activity of androgen steroids, and aromatization of Dianabol covers the need for a normal degree of estrogenic activity (or possibly too much, depending on dosage and individual sensitivity.)

I know some find it heretical to use no testosterone, but actually it can work extremely well, if both the stacking consideration of having Class I and Class II steroids is taken into account and estrogen effect is kept at an appropriate level. Again, the trenbolone/Dianabol stack is a classic example of this.

Basically the drugs combine very well. Where a user is not particularly sensitive to insomnia or night sweats (a less common problem is anxiety) with trenbolone, that drug can efficiently take care of, if desired, all of the Class I part of a stack. Testosterone, having mixed activity, can either be used as the only additional steroid to fill out the stack, or as one of the steroids used for that purpose.

Primobolan Depot (Methenolone Enanthate)

Primobolan Depot (methonolone enanthate) is often of interest to beginning steroid users and sometimes to experienced users. The first question to consider is really not pharmacological but one of economics. Usually for any given level of effect, Primobolan is an unusually expensive choice. And for most users, there is no unique benefit gained from its use. Accordingly, most experienced steroid users do not include it in their steroid cycle planning.

Primobolan Depot Not a “Weak” Steroid

That said, contrary to common opinion, Primobolan really is not a weak steroid, at least not on a milligram for milligram basis. It certainly is not weak in terms of anabolic effect versus side effects. It is a good performer in these regards. However, because the oil solubility of methenolone enanthate is only moderate, preparations are typically of only 100 mg/mL. This can give a psychological impression of not being as strong a compound as more concentrated products.

Another likely reason for perceived weakness is that it is most often used for anabolic steroid cycles which deliberately are very conservative. For example, a classic beginner cycle is 400 mg/week Primobolan as the only steroid used. Of course, this does not give extreme gains. But then again neither does 400 mg/week testosterone!

With most anabolic steroids or anabolic steroid stacks, total use needs to be at least 500 mg/week and more preferably 700-1000 mg/week before a cycle is likely to be highly effective. This rule is no different when Primobolan is used as the sole anabolic steroid or as part of a performance-enhancing stack (combination of drugs.)

Primobolan Depot Stacks

Primobolan presents an interesting situation with regard to stacking. Pharmacologically there is probably no difference in stacking behavior compared to Masteron, and certainly no important difference, but in practice those who wish to use Primobolan almost always are looking for mild stacking choices as well. For this reason, though Dianabol, Anadrol, or testosterone are effective stacking choices, they usually are not combined with Primobolan.
Primobolan and HCG

For those wishing a mild steroid cycle, perhaps the best performance-enhancing drug to combine with Primobolan is not another anabolic steroid directly, but HCG at doses totalling approximately 1500 IU/week. This may be taken as, for example, 200 IU daily, 400 IU every other day, or 500 IU three times per week. This typically yields high-normal testosterone levels and maintains normal estrogen levels, aiding the effectiveness of Primobolan with relatively little added androgenic side effects. Such usage may be counted as comparable to injecting 100 mg/week testosterone, and so for example 500 mg/week Primobolan use combined with this amount of HCG may be considered comparable to 600 mg/week total usage of anabolic steroids.

For those seeking to absolutely minimize effect on hair in skin, addition of this amount of HCG may be excessive. Because more moderate testosterone levels are desirable in such instances, the HCG dose should be reduced to a total of only 700-750 IU/week. Further, the amount of Primobolan should be kept to no more than 400 mg/week, as Primobolan itself also has effect on hair and skin.

Primobolan and Trenbolone

An alternate situation, not commonly seen, is where a cycle is trenbolone-based but rather than using a relatively high dose of trenbolone, the athlete limits the dose of that drug and uses another non-aromatizing injectable to support it. The combination can be milder in side effects while being still equally effective, at least in terms of anabolism, to higher-dose trenbolone. While Masteron is a more cost-effective choice for this purpose, Primobolan also will work well in this situation.

Primobolan Depot Recommendations

The half-life of methenolone enanthate is probably about 5 days. As a result, Primobolan is most effectively used when injected at least twice per week. At the 400 mg/week usage level, post-cycle therapy (PCT) may be started only 5 days after the last injection, whereas at a higher level of usage such as 1000 mg/week, at least 10 days will be needed until recovery is likely to become possible.

Primobolan Depot Does Not Convert to Estrogen or DHT

Methenolone is not subject to metabolism by the 5-alpha reductase enzyme (5AR), nor the aromatase enzyme. It therefore does not convert to DHT or to estradiol. These are among the advantages of the compound. However, its lack of conversion to DHT does not mean that it has no effect on the scalp: all anabolic steroids do.

Briefly, Primobolan is an effective injectable anabolic steroid that usually is expensive for the anabolic effect achieved, is most commonly used for mild cycles, and in most – but not all – cases is an inefficient choice for more advanced cycles.

Methenolone enanthate is the chemical name of active ingredient in Primobolan. Primobolan was a registered trademark of Schering AG in the United States and/or other countries prior to cancellation.

Masteron as an Addition to Testosterone Replacement Therapy (TRT)

Q: I am 42-years old and currently on 100-milligrams of testosterone enanthate per week as part of a testosterone replacement therapy (TRT) prescribed by my doctor. I plan on remaining on TRT indefinitely. But I’d like to have a little boost. I am currently 220-lbs but my goal is to return my physique to where it was a decade ago. I weighed a lean 245-lbs between the ages of 28 and 32 and have done many cycles over the years.

I am considering a cycle of 750-mg testosterone enanthate and 400-mg Masteron enanthate per week for 12 weeks. What do you think of this plan?

A: Since you are on TRT anyway, the concerns for HPTA suppression most likely don’t apply.

In this case, the cycle length is not so much an issue, but rather total amount of steroids used per year is I think the closest, although imperfect, approximation of overall health impact.

Unless in an extreme rush, you could accomplish your goal with far lower dosage and not that much greater time.

Simply adding the Masteron and leaving testosterone the same would give you rapid progress towards your goal and it would be probably, roughly speaking, 90% achievable in a reasonable time frame. A rather short period at higher dose could then get you fully to your goal. The total amount of drugs used would be less, because of operating at a more efficient part of the dose/response curve .

The kind of dosage you posted is way into the “diminishing returns” area.

For quite a while into it, your results with half your posted dosage level would give nearly the same results per week, because of the above reason and also because you are regaining. So it would be more efficient and would use less drugs per year to use a much lower dose for a somewhat longer time, on the assumption that LH production has been given up on anyway.

In that case I expect you will be very pleased from adding just Masteron while keeping testosterone the same.

I would monitor blood lipids, blood pressure, and red blood cell count to be sure of not overdoing it.

Because of planning on permanent HRT anyway, cycle length isn’t really a concern.

If focusing strongly on health and talking about the long term, I would look at keeping total steroid use down to a probable maximum of something like 20 grams per year, or an average of about 300-400 mg/week.

So, having a period of going above that will mean having periods of being below that, to average things out. The more you go over, the more you will later have to go under.

Adding for example 300-400 mg/week Masteron to your 100 mg/week testosterone will do a lot for you in your situation and I think you’ll be very pleased with it. To say the least you will add some lean mass and largely regain what you have achieved before, with reasonable speed. And you could likely continue with 100 mg/week Masteron indefinitely after your cycle and be well ahead of the game compared to having done a higher dose cycle but then having to use less later to compensate.

Keep in mind, the 20 grams per year value is a really rough number that has to be interpreted as being a ballpark value rather than a sharp cutoff. It is definitely just a general approximation rather than a proven value let alone accurate for every individual.

Then at some point in the future, having regained the greater part of what you had before, then it could be productive to go for a short time at a much higher dose to push to a new level, if desired.

But right now you don’t need that level, because you are regaining, and as HPTA recovery isn’t an issue, there isn’t the factor of packing in the same amount of drug into a shorter time frame (using higher dose per week) to achieve better recovery for given results.

Should Testosterone Always Be Used as the Base of a Steroid Cycle?

Q: “A lot of advice says testosterone must be used every cycle. But definitely some get great results without it. Does it really need to be used for best results? Why isn’t it like with most drugs, for example the NSAIDs, where any of them does the job and combining two does nothing different than taking more of one? Or does the same principle apply and you only need to use enough of any?”

A: It’s possible to have a completely effective cycle with or without testosterone.

While each person may have his own reason for believing that testosterone “must” be used, I think the main reason many believe this is because testosterone provides a complete spectrum of effect while the synthetics generally do not do so when used individually or combined inefficiently.

For example, with only testosterone 500 mg/week might be used for a moderate but reasonably-effective cycle, 750 mg/week for a stronger but still moderate one, or 1000 mg/week for an even stronger but still hardly unreasonable cycle. There’s a substantial step up in performance at each increased level. And ultimately with still larger amounts such as 2 grams per week, performance is reaching near the maximum that can be achieved with anabolic steroids alone at any dose.

With individual synthetics such as say Dianabol, Anadrol, oxandrolone, Primobolan, trenbolone, etc, no matter how much is taken alone, that maximum level of effect won’t be achieved. There’s a substantial increase in performance as dosage is increased, up to particular amounts characteristic of each drug, but nothing really past that. Likely at that point the drugs are working fully in the ways that they work, but used alone, they aren’t covering all the bases.

Inefficient combinations work the same, or nearly so, as the individual usages. For example, about the same maximum is reached using trenbolone alone as using trenbolone plus either Primobolan or oxandrolone; and adding Anadrol to Dianabol gives little if anything beyond what Dianabol alone can do. A poor combination is rather like your example of combining two anti-inflammatories. There’s no point in doing so: there’s no resulting increase in maximal effect compared to simply taking more of one of them.

However, it’s quite different when the synthetics are combined effectively. For example, 100 mg/day trenbolone acetate alone is not too exciting for mass gain, and neither is 100 mg/day Dianabol alone. I would put either choice well below 100 mg/day (700 mg/week) testosterone. Neither trenbolone nor Dianabol alone covers all the bases.

But the same total milligram amount of drug – 100 mg/day – is an entirely different story when it’s provided as a combination of 50 mg/day trenbolone acetate and 50 mg/day Dianabol. Suddenly, you have a stack substantially more effective than 700 mg/week testosterone.

So you don’t need to use testosterone to have a fully effective steroid cycle, but it’s a simple way to be sure of covering the bases. The other ways are to use effective combinations of synthetics, or effective combinations of synthetics together with testosterone.

Burn fat and gain muscle .. How can you have both together?

Showed many studies show that people medicine healthy eating plan and adapted sports program for a few months could reduce the mass of dr hun in body and increased muscle mass in that period; that is why it is advisable to increase the Muscular mass in order to accelerate the combustion process dr hun, excess calories, even at rest.

The reason for this recommendation, when practicing the exercises of low to medium stress, Dr. Hun be the main source of energy, as the proportion of your muscles more, I would like calories burned hun more , This is closely related to basal metabolic average.

It should be emphasized shown here, plus there was a bigger person and he gained weight most was the speed to burn dr hun and gain more muscle, in terms not the right to possess a moderate amount of fat initially, he believes that relatively less remarkable results.

First, the training plans:

And which are intended to stimulate the strengthening and increasing your muscle not touch, as well as more burning dr hun, you must apply a combination of my strength exercises and drawing exercises of debt, taking Consider the following strategies to develop a plan for your training. Best results:

A number of repetitions and weight: Mars, the average number of training especially, 6-12 times, known for susan up in 55% to 85% (more weight than you can bear or pay ten mainly DC in a year to run the pressure on the البنش chest, or thigh exercise to pay).

Repetition training: Let 48 to 72 hours between training sessions of force each muscle group, which formed without sufficient rest periods, it can not learn the muscle recovery and peacebuilding new fabrics.

Rest between exercises: You can increase the level of growth hormones, in addition to the items mentioned above, through letting short periods of rest between results one year to the next.

Animated Debt: The practice of 20 to 40 minutes of drawing exercises of debt (breathing exercises), three times a week, perfect for burning more calories, improve the delivery of oxygen and nutritional elements fabrics, and assistance in the process of regeneration of tissue strength exercises.

Second of healthy nutrition

No terms of healthy, balanced nutrition and carefully designed, would not stimulate building muscle and burning dr hun, even if I have to exert a great exercise program to achieve this, we are adopting demonized zigzag back into your diet. . because the traditional method of reducing the total amount of calories and based on the removal of the same amount of calories per day will help you burn dr hun (the process of demolition) but leave the field of muscle building (there This is a consolidation process requires energy), this mode zigzag, your mother you of this.

It's about the quantity, in terms of quality; apples standby to cover all food groups in your lunch to provide nutrients necessary to build muscle, with the reduction in the consumption of sources of fat and simple carbohydrates in your food.


Does HGH Increase Muscle Mass

There are many known benefits of HGH since its discovery. HGH is now a known substance for delaying aging, building muscles, cell regeneration, reduction of oxidation among cells and providing strength and vitality. Many body builders are now using HGH to supplement them in their quest towards a powerful, shapely body. 

A great looking body is shapely and well formed, and you cannot achieve this if you have less muscle mass. There are many ways on how to improve muscle mass. Nowadays, HGH supplements has become an object of interest, as it has become a popular supplement to increase muscle mass. But does HGH really increase muscle mass? 

Yes it does. Human growth hormone stimulates growth and cell production in the human body. When we were young, this hormone was responsible for making our muscles grow. It is secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain, and its main function is to increase the body's height and muscle mass. 

HGH promotes anabolism

Anabolism is the process of building up muscle from protein and other nutrients which help make it grow. There are studies which have examined the effect of HGH on the growth plates. This is because HGH Injections promotes the release of IGF-1, a pro-insulin substance. Once IGF-1 is released on the liver as a result of HGH secretion from the pituitary, it uses up energy from glucose in the bloodstream, thus glucose is not converted as fat in the subcutaneous tissue. HGH uses up glucose to build muscle, instead of converting extra glucose into fat. 

HGH promotes growth

IGFs not only burn glucose for energy to build muscle, it also promotes bone formation and organ growth. This happens when the pituitary releases growth hormone to target tissues such as bones, organs and muscles, thus making them grow. This is why HGH also builds muscle in this way. 

The other fact is that these IGFs also increase the production of binding proteins that help in building up muscle cells and tissues. 

HGH promotes regeneration

To build muscle constantly, there must be regeneration to replenish damaged and old tissues. HGH promotes regeneration in the muscle by the use of satellite cells. Satellite cells are muscle precursor cells which are dormant until they are acted upon by growth factors released by HGH and thus they regenerate into new muscle cells and tissues, thus building up muscle. HGH is said to increase muscle activity, muscle DNA content, muscle protein content, muscle weight and muscle cross sectional area. 

How HGH increases muscle mass

Human growth hormone increases muscle mass through one of the following ways. First it directly binds to the muscle fibers through the use of specialized receptors. Once it binds to these specialized receptors, a series of reactions may result. Growth and multiplication of muscle cells and tissues may result, and these may lead to increased muscle mass! And this is different from weight training in the gym. With weight training, your muscle cells only increase in size of hypertrophy. With growth hormone, your muscle cells increase in number. Thus you achieve better muscle bulk and form than when you are exercising in the gym. 

Growth hormone also increases the secretion of IGF-1, or insulin like growth factor. This growth factor is so remarkable that it encourages growth and development of almost all cells, especially muscle cells and connective tissue cells. Thus you gain more muscle bulk. It also makes you burn glucose and faster to give your body energy to synthesize proteins to build muscle. 

The growth hormone and IGF-1 stimulate the secretion of amino acids which are building blocks of muscle cells and fibers. Thus, great amounts of amino acids lead to increased muscle bulk. That is how HGH increases muscle mass! 


Testosterone Hormone Replacement Therapy

Put an end to all your struggles that come along with low testosterone levels with one simple testosterone replacement therapy and watch your quality of life improve before your very eyes. Every man is bound to have low testosterone hormone levels sooner or later. The best way to deal with it is reverse the effects of low t as soon as they are developed.

There is no reason why anyone should have to live with low testosterone, especially when it can be cured with a proper therapy. Treatment is not a new development, and researchers have linked up with scientists and medical practitioners to perfect all that low t treatment has to offer. With so many great benefits and no unpleasant effects, no man should turn down hormone replacement therapy.

Signs that you need testosterone replacement therapy

Testosterone plays a vital role in men’s health, perhaps being the most important component of the organism. It functions as a regulator of mental function, physical activity, and organ function.

Some signs and symptoms that come with low t are the worsening of these 3, specifically deregulation of sleep patterns, reduced sex drive and performance, impotence or erectile dysfunction, weak muscles, depressive mood, irritability, mood swings, and much more.

The effects of low t can be alarming. Instead of letting things spiral out of hand, take matters into your own hands and consider testosterone hormone replacement therapy.

With our hassle-free and risk-free process, you will be able to enjoy the amazing benefits that therapy brings with no side effects. Of course, misuse of the treatment can have unplanned consequence. One should only take the regulated dosage specified by the prescription in the right schedule as directed. Taking too much testosterone too often will cause the body to shut down because too much testosterone is just as harmful as not enough testosterone. In order to ensure that you are a qualified recipient of therapy, it is required that you visit a doctor.

Benedictions of testosterone hormone replacement therapy

After your check-up and test results, your doctor will write out a prescription for a testosterone booster. The only legal way of attaining these products is with a valid prescription, which will only be given out if your levels are lower than normal. If they happen to be above normal, you can still use natural boosters to improve your body. These are things such as healthy diet and regular exercise. Should you be found to have low t, your prescription will specify which product to attain.

Treatment for Low Testosterone Levels in Men

It cannot be refuted that a man in his 40’s, 50’s, or 60’s cannot perform as well as a man in his 20’s. This is the unfortunate truth that is realized by every man as he enters adulthood and beyond. As you start to lose your vitality and energy, it is tempting to brush off these negative effects as simply “signs of aging.”

Nevertheless, it can be extremely beneficial to a man at any age to know the specific reason for this drop in health. When you are young, your body produces a significant amount of testosterone, a hormone made in the testes that serves many purposes.

The factor most closely attributed to this hormone is sexual health. But besides this, testosterone is vital to other functions of your body including fat distribution and red blood cell production. Extreme beneficial uses of treatment for low testosterone in men exist and our primary purposes is to not only inform you of them, but to make treatment for low t safe, natural, and readily available to you.

Details of treatment for low testosterone levels

Many changes come with the decline of testosterone levels that could be crippling to your lifestyle. Not only do they include physical changes but also emotional changes that can cause you to be unstable and quite dysfunctional. The most noticeable change you will notice is your inability to get sexually aroused or perform in bed. Not only that but you may develop permanent erectile dysfunction, insomnia, hypertension, and many more.

To prevent all this from happening or put a stop to it before it ruins you, we recommend consulting with us about treatment for low testosterone levels. Appointments are completely confidential and even if you decide against treatment for low t we will never share any personal information about you or any other clients of ours. If you are wondering if this is the right choice for you, don’t hesitate to get advice from our team of specialists.

Treatment of low t and its many benefits

Testosterone boosters are known for many positive effects they can bring. A good indication that you are in need of treatment for low testosterone levels is your declining physical and mental health. After therapy, you will see your low energy fade away and fatigue disappear completely. No longer will you struggle to complete physically inducing tasks and be able to exercise with ease.

You will notice your muscle mass building up as well as body fats dissipate. Sexual health will also be improved as you regain sex drive and desire, being able to perform better than ever before. Mental function also greatly increases following low testosterone treatment in men. This includes changes such as ability to focus, regain memory retention, and less mood swings along with disappearing irritability. In the long term, men who have taken advantage of this treatment have shown amazing results and report no longer feeling incapable of performing physically, sexually and mentally.

They are once again able to keep up with the struggles of the day and go through the day without being strained in any way. Family life is once again as lively and cheerful as it used to be, including their sex life with their spouse. At work they are capable of performing at full force and even better than their young co-workers. Take this great chance and get solutions that are secure and competent every step of the way. Get treatment of low t of top notch quality
offered exclusively by us.

HGH for Sale Online From SINO HGH

If you are yearning for a prosperous, healthy future well into your adulthood, you have come to right place. We offer relief to many negative aspects that come with hormone deficiency, which is often used analogous to old age. If you are ready to change your life for good no matter what age you are right now, read up on the topic and take the first step to get started right here at any time. Amazing benefits come with HGH for sale and we are offering you them first-hand.

Infinite benefits of HGH for sale online

Hormone deficiency can be attributed to many different factors. The most common one is the most natural – as you grow older, your body’s production of hormones decreases more and more. Other ways you can potentially lack HGH is due to a birth defect, injury or disease. In fact, HGH is often administered to children whose growth was stunted at an unreasonable age for one reason or another.
They are treated with the same product we are offering to you, which proves further that this is safe and effective. HGH can also be used to treat obesity, various heart conditions, muscular problems, and is even clinically proven to prevent the risk of type II diabetes.

No matter the reason for therapy, the benefits are always great. Not only does HGH help to regulate cholesterol levels and blood pressure, it also boosts energy levels, sexual performance, muscle production, hair growth, and ability to recover from illnesses and naturally heal wounds. These are just some of the physical changes that can be observed with HGH for sale. Nevertheless, there are also ample changes that you will not be able to see but in fact will feel in regards to your mental health.
This is, for instance, your ability to retain memory, focus on tedious tasks, beat out fatigue and restlessness, and sleep soundly throughout the night as your sleep patterns are restored and any sleep disorders disappear. In fact, HGH has also been known to help patients beat long-term depression that no standard anti-depressant has been able to. All of these amazing effects come with no risk if you follow our easy procedure to attain HGH for sale online.

Natural and affordable HGH for sale

The best way to replenish your health is to do it naturally. Because the many negative effects your body experiences is in fact due to low levels of hormones, the most logical solution to this is to reverse this decline. By introducing into your organism a substance that is not foreign, it will not react negatively to it. On the contrary, your body will get the signal to naturally produce more of the human growth hormone and do the rest of the work for you. All you need to do is spark this process, which is exactly what we offer to our customers.
All of the HGH products we offer yield high results with little or no risk to you. The companies we work with that produce the compounds are all renowned pharmaceutical companies offering only the highest quality HGH for sale online. The pluses that come along with buying online are clear – save money and time. The only time you will need to step out of your house is for the initial examination, which is required to measure your level of deficiency, and for a follow-up, in which we will make sure the treatment is going as planned with no side effects. Follow our easy-to-use interface and be well on your way to a happier, healthier future in no time.

What Is the Best HGH for Sale?

To increase the level of human growth hormone in a way that is safe for your health, you need to be sure you take high quality HGH. The criteria that determine the quality of HGH medication include:
  • amino acid sequence
  • purity
  • country of production.
So what is the best HGH for sale? Human growth hormone that is effective and harmless for your body must have 191 amino acid sequence, which is the exact molecular replica of the naturally produced growth hormone. You also want to be sure the HGH is pure and free of additions or remains of bacteria. These HGH injections brands include real hygetropin hgh, real angtropin hgh, gensci jintropin, real riptropion hgh, anhui anke-bio ansomone,real nuptropin hgh,manufactured in China, undergo careful testing and certification procedures to guarantee the purity and quality of the product.

Pure HGH for Sale

Some of the cheaper HGH brands sell online do not comply with the strict quality requirements of the US healthcare system. Beware of impure human growth hormone injections: they may not have the desired effect or worse, have negative side effects you were not expecting. Pure HGH for sale is offered by well-known brands and US-based retailers.

High Quality HGH for Sale from SINO HGH

If you are looking for high quality HGH for sale, SINO HGH is the place to go. We offer only quality, pure HGH for sale, produced by leading manufacturers in the industry. For safe and legal human growth hormone treatment, contact us with your prescription and select the product that works best for you. Not only do we offer medical HGH for sale, but we can also deliver you the services of a physician for an online diagnosis and prescription.

HGH Results Before and After

How fast will I see results from HGH? This is the primary question human growth hormone patients are asking their doctors. Naturally, the miraculous effects are why you wanted to do HGH replacement therapy in the first place, so you will be anxious to know when HGH expected results will finally show.
Let us take a look at HGH results week by week and month by month, and see what beneficial results you can expect after only 2 weeks or as long as 5 months of human growth hormone replacement treatment.

How Long Does It Take To See HGH Results?

When to see HGH results is very individual. Some will be able to make an HGH before and after comparison within the first week, others can be hopelessly wondering “When will I notice HGH results?” for a few weeks. Be patient: it took quite some time for your body to age, so you cannot expect it to restore itself in a blink of an eye.
HGH results time also depends on the dosage, but remember you shouldn’t exceed the prescribed dose to speed up your HGH results.

HGH Results After 1 Month

As soon as you start your HGH cycle, the hormone triggers changes in your body. In the course of the first several weeks, they will be visible through increased energy and vitality, which in turn result in better productivity. Better concentration will also be among your HGH results. As far as your physique is concerned, HGH expected results include better stamina and increased strength, helping you exercise more easily and productively. Finally, many patients report their mood gets better and the mood swings or depression that are sometimes characteristic of hormone disorders go away.

HGH Results After 2 Months

HGH results after 2 months will already be visible. Real HGH results that start showing some time after the 2nd month of therapy include better skin and better muscle tone, as the hormone helps your body regenerate cells faster. Due to this cells regeneration, the muscles in your eyes that weaken with age will also strengthen, so you can expect first improvements in your eyesight and night vision. As your metabolism starts speeding up, you are likely to see first fat loss effects after 2 months of HGH treatment.

HGH Results After 3 Months

This month is another important milestone. HGH results after 3 months include first improvements in the look and condition of your hair. Also, this is when the anti-osteoporosis HGH effects show up. Your bones will start getting stronger and less porous, and even though these are not the HGH results you can actually see, you are likely to notice better flexibility and less pain in your joints. Besides, month 3 is when female patients will feel a pleasant change in their well-being: they can get rid of bad PMS symptoms, which aging women often suffer from. Negative effects of menopause will also reduce after 3 months of HGH replacement therapy.

HGH Results After 4 Months

HGH before and after effects become more and more evident within the third-fourth month of your HGH cycle. Your HGH results affecting mood, energy, stamina, skin and hair condition continue to improve. As metabolism returns to its ‘youthful’ pace, you will see gradual fat loss and increasing muscle size, especially if HGH therapy is combined with sports and exercise.

HGH Results After 5 Months

Month 5 is when you will definitely want to make HGH results before and after pics: within the fifth month, you will notice well-visible improvements in the condition of your hair. It will become thicker, much more elastic, and shinier. Besides, skin discoloration that is another common symptom of aging will visibly lessen. All in all, HGH results after 5 months will be fairly noticeable and your looks will be considerably improved.

HGH Results After 6 Months

When the 6th month of HGH therapy ends, you can expect to have experienced all the HGH before and after effects. Your overall health condition will be drastically improved, with results including:
  • better, deeper sleep;
  • smoother and more youthful skin;
  • faster metabolism;
  • healthier immune system and cardiovascular system;
  • increased energy, endurance, stamina.
Thanks to improved metabolism and the ability of human growth hormone to trigger muscle growth, after six months of treatment you will see miraculous effects related to your body shape. In addition to fat loss and muscle growth, HGH reduces cellulite and helps your body acquire better overall contours. With increased stamina, higher muscle, as well as stronger, more flexible bones, you will be better fit for exercise, show better results, and be able to handle even high intensity physical activities. Moreover, many aging patients report that after an HGH cycle their hair not only became thicker and got better in texture, but also started restoring its natural color.

HGH Before and After

So, what is life like before and after HGH? The HGH results cycle can change both your appearance and your life for the better, influencing everything from sleep and mood to hair and skin condition. Here’s what your HGH results before and after can be.
Your Looks
Before: graying and dry hair; first wrinkles and skin discoloration.
After: thicker, glossier, healthier hair, possibly fewer gray hairs or even restored original color; smoother and more elastic skin with improved skin tone.
Your Physical Shape
Before: higher fat to muscle ratio, poor muscle tone resulting in worse body shape; possibly extra weight.
After: leaner and more muscular body; fat loss; better body contours.
Your Physical Abilities
Before: low stamina and strength; worsening eyesight, especially in the dark.
After: increased endurance and ability to do intense exercise; better results in sports; improved vision.
Your Well-Being
Before: poor sleep; low energy and depressed mood; poor concentration and productivity.
After: deep and healthy sleep; improved vitality and stable, optimistic mood; increased mental ability and productivity.

Start Experiencing Your Own HGH Before and After Effects!
If you are anxious to improve your well-being and live a fuller, healthier life without the HGH deficiency symptoms bothering you, it may be time to start your therapy. Real HGH results come after a course of well-planned therapy, so take advantage of our real hgh with codes to verify, the strongest hgh for you ship to UK,Canada,Australia,USA etc safely.