
How to Mix and Inject HGH from hygetropinreviews.com site(with pictures)

Preparing for Self-Administration Hormone Injections with HGH Powder Vial and Syringe Kit:

Only use prescription growth hormone according to your doctor's instructions. Use only the dosage as prescribed by your treating physician. HGH is a powerful drug and using too much or in the wrong way can result in unwanted side effects. You should purchase high-quality, approved injectable HGH which is designated as rDNA somatropin for injection to ensure the safe and effective administration of your drugs. If you are unsure of your proper dosage, or of the correct way of taking GH subcutaneous injections, don't hesitate to contact our medical office where trained hormone specialists can assist you. Learn more about the different HGH Injections available for HRT.

Other Hormone Shot Protocols

The bio-availability of a prescription drug like HGH is affected by its route of administration. Always follow the protocol provided by your doctor for your specific hormone replacement program. Many patients will be taking a number of hormone drugs and the dose and scheduling should be strictly followed. Always inform your doctor before taking any additional supplements including HGH pills, testosterone boosters, herbal anti-aging supplements or prescription medications. These could affect the bio-availability or treatment of your HRT program.
HCG injections are normally administered via subcutaneous injections and less often intramuscularly - Purchase HCG Injections;

IGF-1 can be administered via subcutaneous injections or intramuscular Purchase IGF-1 HGH Injections;

Testosterone injections are an IM or intramuscular shot though some may also inject some forms Sub-Q Purchase Testosterone Injections.

Follow the correct injecting protocol for optimal treatment results. Below are typical dosages and step by step injection instructions with diagrams.

Typical HGH Dosages

Know your correct HGH Dosage. If somatropin HGH is prescribed to you by your doctor, strictly follow the dosage instructions. using too much could have unwanted side effects. If you are self-administering your shots, the typical dosages will depend on your body weight and the target hormone blood level range you wish to achieve.
2 IU of somatropin per day is commonly used for bio-identical hormone replacement and anti aging purposes. You can inject it subcutaneously any time of the day or a full or empty stomach - it does not matter. Many patients to take it in the morning or at night before sleep because the body releases its own natural growth hormone during sleep. Injecting before bedtime may diminish the body's own natural secretion but your doctor's prescribed dose is designed be sufficient to provide optimal levels for your body.
4 IU of GH or more per day are used by bodybuilders and athletes looking to build up muscle mass quickly and burn off body fat. Some athletes take 6IU or more per day, however the higher the doses can cause adverse side effects especially bloating from water retention, joint and muscle pain, and Carpal tunnel syndrome. Some athletes like to take the entire daily dose by multiple smaller dose shots throughout the day injecting 2 IU in the early morning, 2 IU in the afternoon and 2 IU before bedtime. Read more about uses, risks, and side effects of human growth hormone. Side Effects of HGH use.
Sports medicine doctors treating severe sport injuries may inject 8 to 20 IU of HGH per day to speed up healing and recovery of joint and deep tissue injuries in athletes. Some Integrative and regenerative medicine physicians also prescribe large doses of HGH for treatment with stem cell injections which may also be used for treating joint and sports injuries. While using larger than normal doses of GH are not always considered abusive, using extremely high doses of growth hormone for weight loss purposes or enhancing athletic performance may constitute abuse. Long-term effects of HGH and testosterone abuse can damage a person's health. Read more about Abusing HGH Proper HGH Dosing

Injecting HGH - How to prepare and inject Somatropin

The Steps for Preparing & Taking your HGH Shots

  1. Disinfect Hands Before Injecting. Wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water.
  2. solid Surface and Good Lightening. Select a well-lit, clean hard surface preferably with a mirror (e.g. Bathroom countertop).
  3. Prepare your GH injection kit. Ensure you have all necessary injection supplies and that all packaging and wrappings are intact, and there are no signs of tampering. Always double check the expiration dates on all hormone medications.

Drawing HGH solution into syringe:

  1. Use alcohol wipes to clean the tops of the hormone medication vials - move in one direction and use one wipe per vial.
  2. Remove syringe with needle from packaging and fill syringe with an equal amount of air as the intended dose by pulling plunger back to the desired mark (i.e. If you are drawing up 2 ml's of solution you would pull plunger to the "2" on the syringe).
  3. Insert the needle straight through the rubber stopper into the vial. If you touch the stopper with your finger clean it with a fresh alcohol wipe prior to withdrawing medication.
  4. Turn the Human Growth Hormone medication vial upside down keeping the needle tip inside the HGH liquid.
  5. Inject the air into the medication vial. This helps to maintain a balance of internal/external pressure when using glass vials;this also makes future medication withdrawal easier.
  6. Hold the vial and syringe in one hand and slowly draw up that amount of liquid into syringe. Diagram 1 shows technique on holding vial.
  7. While holding the vial upside down and maintaining drawing needle inside the vial, gently tap the side of the syringe until air bubbles rise to the top of the barrel of the syringe. Gently push the plunger to eject ONLY THE AIR BUBBLES through the needle.
  8. Remove needle and syringe from vial.
  9. Recap needle by placing the plastic needle cap on countertop and safely guiding the needle into the cap. This reduces the possibility of accidentally sticking yourself.
  10. For Testosterone and/or IM injections remove the drawing needle and discard it in an OSHA approved Sharps container. Federal Regulations require needles and sharps objects to be disposed of in a proper bio-medical waste container. If you are missing or need sharps containers please call us immediately. Make sure to always properly dispose of all used needles.

Injecting of HGH or Testosterone Solution:

Keep syringes and materials clean and do not let anything touch the tip of syringe or needle. If you accidentally touch the tip or accidentally contaminate it in any way you must discard and start all over. This eliminates the possibility of infection.
  1. For Testosterone or Intramuscular (IM) injections - Remove fresh administration needle from packaging and inspect for any defects. Do not remove plastic cap until ready for injection.
  2. Firmly twist administration needle on to syringe and maintain in front of you on countertop until you are ready for administration.
  3. For SUBQ (Subcutaneous) injections (injecting HGH), the small insulin syringe is preloaded with needle which cannot be removed and will be used for administration.
  4. Use an alcohol wipe to clean skin at the injection site;let it air dry. Throw away the wipe. NOTE: Do not use any areas in which you feel lumps, bumps, firm knots or pain. Do not use any area in which the skin is discolored, depressed, scabbed, or is broken open. If you are in doubt call your representative.
  5. Remove the needle cap from the needle and gently pinch the skin together around the site (to lift it up a bit) See Diagram 2 . The best areas for injection are away from joints, nerves, bones, and other important body. Refer to last page for injection site diagram. The preferred areas for Intramuscular (IM) injections, such as Testosterone, are the gluteus maximus (buttocks) and the quadriceps muscles. The preferred area for Subcutaneous (SUBQ) injections, such as Growth Hormone and HCG is around the navel, stomach area.
  6. With a swift motion stick the needle into the skin at a 90? angle for intramuscular (IM) injections (Testosterone) and at a 45? angle for subcutaneous (SUBQ) injections (HGH).
  7. (IM) While needle is in the muscle pull back on the plunger slightly and look for blood inside syringe. *Rarely will there be blood but if you experience this - it just means you are near or hit a blood vessel and will need to withdraw the needle and find a suitable area to inject. Immediately pull needle and syringe out and gently massage area with gauze or clean tissue.
  8. Inject the Testosterone or HGH medication by using a slow steady push on the plunger until the syringe is completely empty. Hold a cotton swab or gauze near the injection site.
  9. Swiftly and safely remove the needle from the skin, wipe with an alcohol swab and gently massage the injection site with a cotton ball or gauze.
  10. Immediately discard the syringe and the needle in an OSHA sharps container.
  11. Maintain all supplies and medication in a safe place and away from the reach of children and others. Ensure proper storage of medical supplies and refrigerated medicines.
  12. Once you have filled the OSHA approved sharps container to the "recommended fill line" you can call your local waste management and follow local guidelines for proper disposal.
Information listed in this document is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treatment of a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider or your hormone treatment specialist. Contact your treating medical professional or Endocrine Specialist.
How to inject HGH and Testosterone
Step by Step Injection Process for Intramuscular Shots
How to inject subcutaneous drug shots
Possible Drug Injection Sites
Types of Hormone Injections
The Right Place to Inject Subcutaneous and Intramuscular Shots
How to Inject HGH
Best Places to Insert Injections into Skin, Tissue and Muscle
HGH shots for women HGH shots for men
This web page discusses how to inject the various types of hormones prescribed by a medical doctor for use in a hormone optimization program. It is for informational and educational purposes only. It not intended to be relied upon for medical advice or as a replacement for your own doctor's medical guidance or medical advice. Always check with your own treating physician before following any injection protocol.

How to Promote Natural Human Growth-by SINO HGH

Human growth hormone is produced in the anterior pituitary. It is necessary for growth in the developing child and for cell renewal in humans of all ages. As people grow older, their bodies slow production of human growth hormone, resulting in the side effects we attribute to "aging": wrinkles, loss of mental concentration, fatigue, slower metabolism, and a reduction of general physical well-being. However, there is a great deal that you can do to ensure your body keeps up its optimal production of this important hormone.

Simple Steps to Boost Your Body's Production of Natural Human Growth Hormone

  • Get a good night's sleep, on a regular basis. A group of researchers led by Dr. Yasuro Takahashi at the Washington University School of Medicine measured plasma growth hormone in eight young adults while they slept. In subjects whose sleep onset was delayed or whose sleep was disrupted, growth hormone release was also delayed or disrupted. Peak production occurred during the deeper stages of sleep, which occurred on average at between one and two hours after onset of sleep. To ensure your body produces enough human growth hormone, get a good night's sleep on a regular basis.
  • Eat a diet rich in complex carbohydrates. According to Barry Sears, author of "The Anti-Aging Zone," you can boost your production of human growth hormone and diminish the effects of aging by eating property. Simple carbohydrates such as pasta and refined sugars stimulate insulin production, which triggers production of somatostatin, which in turn suppresses the release of both insulin and human growth hormone. Complex carbohydrates, such as beans, legumes, nuts and whole grains, result in a slower metabolism of natural sugars. Amino acids, present in nuts and seeds, also help increase production of human growth hormone. Excess dietary fat and calories may also inhibit the production and release of the hormone. If you fill up on complex carbohydrates, you will naturally eat less of the foods that are unhealthy.
  • Get regular high-intensity exercise. Dr. Richard Godfrey and his Sports Performance research team at Brunel University in the United Kingdom think that the nitric oxide and lactate given off during exercise are the likely reasons that exercise increases the body's production of human growth hormone. High-intensity exercises have the highest positive effect. Endurance exercises such as long-distance running have a lower effect than weight-lifting and interval training.
    Dr. Laurie Wideman and her associates at the department of exercise and sports science at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro also found that natural production of human growth hormone increased with exercise intensity for males and females of all ages. The increase was magnified more for young women than for young men, and more for older people than for younger people. Repeated aerobic activity was best, repeated resistance training was not as effective, and single bouts of intense exercise did not increase the production of human growth hormone in a 24-hour period. where to buy hgh online safely, www.hygetropinreviews.com.
  • Take dietary supplements, especially magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B6. Magnesium helps muscle relaxation and promotes better sleep, which in turn helps to produce human growth hormone. Zinc helps to increase production of the enzymes that produce the hormone. Vitamin B6 helps the body to retain its levels of both magnesium and zinc, which are easily lost during intense exercise, resulting in fatigue. In a study by Doctors L.R. Brilla and Victor Conte at The Exercise and Sports Science Laboratory of Western Washington University, the human growth hormone and muscle function of football players were both significantly enhanced (in comparison with a placebo) by a treatment that included nightly supplementation of magnesium, zinc, and vitamin B6 taken together. The amounts and forms taken were 30 milligrams of zinc monomethionine aspartate, 450 milligrams of magnesium aspartate, and 10.5 milligrams of vitamin B6. Taking these supplements at night will help boost production of human growth hormone during sleep.

How to Convert HGH IU to Mg

Somatotropin, also known as human growth hormone or simply HGH, is a protein-based hormone that regulates growth within the human body. The hormone is typically used as a medical treatment for endocrine disorders that result in stunted growth in adolescents. Others have also used human growth hormone to enhance athletic performance and as an anti-aging drug. HGH is measured in International Units. When administering HGH, it may be necessary to convert from IU to milligrams. A simple arithmetic calculation provides the appropriate conversion.

  • Determine the dosage of HGH in IU.
  • Multiply the number of IU by 0.333, which is the number of mg in a single IU of HGH. The resulting product is the equivalent dosage in mg.
  • Convert a quantity of HGH in mg back to IU by multiplying the number of mg by 3.

  • HGH Side Effects in Women from SINO HGH

    The human growth hormone, HGH, is produced naturally in the pituitary gland of the brain. HGH is a protein-like substance that is responsible for bone development in women and men, from birth to adulthood. Children and adults who lack the adequate amount of HGH are at risk of developing disorders associated with their growth, so taking a man-made version of HGH can improve hormone deficiencies. However, there are certain risks associated with taking HGH.

    The FDA

    • HGH has been approved by the Federal Drug Administration to treat specific conditions, such as hormone deficiency where the bones are not developing correctly (for example, short stature in kids, men and women). HGH has also been approved to be used in the treatment of adult short bowel syndrome and HIV and AIDS patients.

    Harmful Side Effects

    • HGH can cause women to have high glucose and cholesterol levels, swelling in the arms and legs, joint and muscle pain, and weakening of the muscles. HGH can also increase women's risk of heart disease and diabetes.

    Beneficial Side Effects

    • HGH has been rumored to reverse the signs of aging. A few of the side effects that women have found beneficial are: fat reduction, wrinkle reduction, thickening of the skin and an increase in energy levels. However, according to Dr. Neal Reisman, a lawyer and the interim chief of plastic surgery at St. Lukes, using HGH for anything other than treating a disease or a recognized medical condition is illegal. The FDA has not approved the human growth hormone for the use of anti-aging.


    • When you receive an HGH injection, you are essentially undergoing hormone replacement therapy. The procedure is perfectly legal if you have a legitimate hormone deficiency and you can prove it. However, being injected with too much HGH may cause you to suffer certain side effects like the following: hypoglycemia, acromegaly, edema and carpal tunnel syndrome. If a woman uses HGH for bodybuilding, which is illegal, she is at risk of developing an extended belly.


    • Somatropin is a man-made version of HGH. Before taking any synthetic version of HGH, you should inform your health care provider of any pre-existing conditions you may have, (such as allergies, breathing issues, surgeries or cancers). In order to decrease your chances of having an adverse reaction to the synthetic version of HGH, you should update your doctor on all of the medications that you currently take.

    How to Buy Human Growth Hormone

    Human growth hormone is a protein secreted by the pituitary gland that stimulates growth and cell reproduction. It is commonly prescribed in children suffering from growth hormone deficiency, which causes children to grow slowly and have a shorter stature. It has also been advertised as an anti-aging supplement due to the fact that it increases lean muscle mass and decreases body fat. Human growth hormone is available in the United States with a prescription from a doctor, but it is also very convenient to buy hgh online safely.

  • Understand the benefits and limitations of growth hormone. Growth hormone is typically prescribed for a lack of natural production of the hormone. Children with a growth hormone deficiency tend to show a failure to grow and abnormally short stature. Deficiency in adults manifests with obesity, especially around the trunk, low lean muscle mass and low energy. In addition, growth hormone has been shown to increase lean muscle mass and decrease body fat, leading many to claim that it can reverse the course of aging. While aging is not an FDA approved condition for the use of growth hormone, growth hormone treatment has been beneficial for patients suffering from symptoms such as muscle wasting, a common side effect of AIDS.
  • Try and get a prescription from a physician. If obtained from a pharmacy through a prescription, injectable recombinant growth hormone therapy costs around $300 a month. Although growth hormone is only approved for a very narrow range of conditions, some doctors are willing to prescribe it "off-label"---that is, for conditions other than that which it is approved for. This carries a risk for doctors, however, as it can open them up to legal action and prosecution, as the government has been trying to crack down on this practice. Still, if you are able to make a case that you have a specific condition that would be aided by using injectable growth hormone, you may be able to persuade a physician to prescribe it. A good resource for finding physicians for this is the Life Extension Foundation (see Resources below).
  • If you are unable to procure a prescription or do not want to take injectable growth hormone, another option is to ingest substances that cause the body to increase the secretion of its own naturally occurring growth hormone. Several of these, including the amino acids L-glutamine and L-arginine, are anecdotally thought to slow the progression of aging in people under 45. For these treatments to work, however, a carefully followed pattern of intake is necessary; in addition, for them to be effective, some substances must be present and others, such as alcohol, must not be.
  • Finally, if you are having a hard time obtaining a prescription and taking natural supplements isn't working, one option is to go to Mexico or another foreign country. Not only are growth hormone injections often cheaper in other nations, it can be easier to obtain a prescription. In fact, some medications that require a prescription in the United States can be obtained over-the-counter in Mexico and Canada. Keep in mind, however, that there may not be as much quality control (and sometimes flat-out product altering) in other countries, and that it may be difficult to bring your medications back to the United States.

  • HGH Cycle for Bodybuilding and Anti-aging from hygetropinreviews.com site

    Human Growth Hormone is a substance that is released naturally in the body by the pituitary gland. It is mainly responsible for proper growth of tissues, protein breakdown and fat utilization. With regard to bodybuilding, it is used by many bodybuilders as a way to gain mass and get a "ripped" look when competing.


    • Human growth hormone was initially designed in the 1920s to help children who had stunted growth. The pituitary glands of cadavers were ground up and injected into these children, which led to normal growth. It has since evolved into a substance used for losing weight, slowing the aging process and mostly for building muscle.


    • The main function of cycling human growth hormone in bodybuilding is to increase the number of cells in the body, which includes the skeletal muscles. It also increases the rate of protein synthesis and the transport of amino acids. This all leads to fat loss and muscle gain.

    Time Frame

    • The average cycle of HGH is 5 to 8 months with 1 to 2 daily injections. For this time period it is usually used 7 days a week, then tapered off to either a 5 on 2 days off or a 6 on one day off schedule. It has a shelf life of about 30 to 45 minutes and peak blood concentrations in the body are recognized about 2 to 6 hours after injection. For quick fat loss, a cycle of 4 weeks is generally used.


    • Human growth hormone is made up of a chain of 191 amino acids. It is most effective when cycled with other other substances such as thyroid hormones, insulin and androgens. It is also undetectable with a urine test which is why it is favored by many athletes and bodybuilders. It also enhances body fat loss through a process called triglyceride hydrolysis.


    • The amount of HGH to take varies. It really all depends on the individual. For anti aging and and fat metabolization, 2 to 3 IUs a day is generally used, and for substantially increasing lean muscle mass and body composition, a minimum of 4 to 8 IUs is taken. For the greatest anabolic results, it is not uncommon to take amounts as high as 10 to 12 IUs per day.


    • When you're cycling with human growth hormone, the best approach to take is start off with a low dose and work your way up to your desired amount. This will help your body adapt and adjust slowly instead of getting shocked by a high amount right from the start. Another thing to take into consideration is the cost. Human growth hormone is not cheap. A daily dosage can range anywhere from $75 to $150.


    • Taking too much HGH can come with some debilitating and unwanted side effects. It can cause sore joints, bloating, enlargement of the organs and a condition known as acromegaly. This is characterized by an enlargement of the feet, hands, jaw, forehead and elbows.

    • Where to buy HGH online safely
    • You can always trust IronMan Muscle, www.hygetropinreviews.com is their official shopping mall,you can check the hgh prices via this site, and they provide hgh cycles for beginners,hgh dosage are important for bodybuilding,especially while for building muscle,so just contact them at hygetropinreviews@hotmail.com freely.

    HGH Cycles for Beginners

    Human growth hormone, or HGH, is a naturally secreted hormone that causes most of our body's growth through puberty and beyond. HGH production drops off after puberty, reducing the impact that physical activity has on the body. HGH is popular in both the weight training and therapeutic rehabilitation worlds for its ability to increase muscle size. HGH injections contain actual HGH, whereas pills and powders contain nutrient precursors to help your body produce HGH. HGH cycles are required to minimize negative side effects while you acquire the full benefits of treatment.

    Talk to Your Doctor

    Schedule an appointment with your doctor to discuss how HGH treatment can benefit you. Discuss your goals for a cycle of HGH treatment. Obtain a prescription from your doctor for injectable HGH. Your doctor will prescribe a proper dosage amount to follow. HGH for rehabilitative purposes is often prescribed at 0.5 IU to 4 IU per day; those seeking the performance-enhancing effects of HGH are prescribed daily dosages of 4 IU to 6 IU. Common HGH cycles are 50 days of treatment followed by 20 to 40 days off of treatment.

    Talk with your doctor about the side effects of HGH use. Too much HGH supplementation, or improper use, can result in breast enlargement, liver damage, fluid retention and joint pain.

    Dosage Schedule

    Follow the dosage schedule laid out by your doctor. Daily dosages of HGH will often be broken up into multiple injections. Normal dosage times are in the morning and a half hour after a workout. HGH has a half-life of 20 minutes, and peak blood levels are reached between two and six hours after injection. Administering HGH after a workout or physical therapy increases the physical gains from both types of exercise.
    Resisting Dependency

    Allow your pituitary gland to function without HGH injections for a period of time. The length of this wait period will be determined as part of your cycle. Although long-term HGH supplementation of safe dosage levels isn't extremely harmful, it may negatively impact the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland is responsible for most of the body's natural HGH production. HGH injections require the pituitary gland to do no work, weakening that organ's functioning. Abstain from HGH injections for the entire wait period to promote proper pituitary functioning. Prolonged consistent HGH treatment also increases the risk of side effects.

    How to inject HGH? Women inject hgh for anti-aging.

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    1.Hygetropin,Growth hormone (GH) is a peptide hormone. buy hygetropin,It stimulates growth and cell reproduction in humans and other animals. It is a 191-amino acid, single-chain polypeptide hormone that is synthesized, stored, and secreted by the somatotroph cells within the lateral wings of the anterior pituitary gland.
    Somatotrophin refers to the growth hormone produced natively in animals,whereas the term somatropin refers to growth hormone produced by recombinant DNA technology, and is abbreviated "rhGH" in humans.Growth hormone is used clinically to treat children's growth disorders and adult growth hormone deficiency.Where to buy hygetropin?www.hygetropinreviews.com.In recent years, replacement therapies with human growth hormones (HGH) have become popular in the battle against aging. Reported effects include decreased body fat, increased muscle mass, increased bone density, increased energy levels, improved skin tone and texture, and improved immune system function.buy hygetropin.At this time HGH is still considered a very complex hormone and many of its functions are still unknown.In its role as an anabolic agent, HGH has been used by competitors in sports since the 1970s,and it has been banned by the IOC and NCAA. Traditional urine analysis could not detect doping with HGH, so the ban was unenforceable until the early 2000s,when blood tests that could distinguish between natural and artificial HGH were developed Blood tests conducted by WADA at the 2004 Olympic Games in Athens,Greece primarily targeted HGH.buy hygetropin HGH online.

    2.OF HYGETROPIN Secretion patternsHGH is synthesized and secreted from the anterior pituitary gland in a pulsatile manner throughout the day; surges of secretion occur at 3- to 5-hour intervals. The plasma concentration of GH during these peaks may range from 5 to even 45 ng/mL.The largest and most predictable of these GH peaks occurs about an hour after onset of sleep. Otherwise there is wide variation between days and individuals. Nearly fifty percent of HGH secretion occurs during the third and fourth REM sleep stages.buy hygetropin.Between the peaks, basal GH levels are low, usually less than 5 ng/mL for most of the day and night. Additional analysis of the pulsatile profile of GH described in all cases less than 1 ng/ml for basal levels while maximum peaks were situated around 10-20 ng/mL.A number of factors are known to affect HGH secretion, such as age, gender, diet, exercise, stress, and other hormones. Young adolescents secrete HGH at the rate of about 700 μg/day, while healthy adults secrete HGH at the rate of about 400 μg/day.

    3.Functions of GH HYGETROPIN
    Effects of growth hormone on the tissues of the body can generally be described as anabolic (building up).buy hygetropin,Like most other protein hormones, GH actsby interacting with a specific receptor on the surface of cells.Increased height during childhood is the most widely known effect of GH. buy hygetropin HGH online.Height appears to be stimulated by at least two mechanisms:
    1.Because polypeptide hormones are not fat-soluble,they cannot penetrate sarcolemma.buy hygetropin HGH online.Thus,GH exerts some of its effects by binding to receptors on target cells,where it activates a second messenger.buy hygetropin.Through this mechanism GH directly stimulates division and multiplication of chondrocytes of cartilage.
    2.GH also stimulates production of insulin-like growth factor 1 (IGF-1,formerly known as somatomedin C),a hormone homologous to proinsulin.The liver is a major target organ of GH for this process and is the principal site of IGF-1 production. IGF-1 has growth-stimulating effects on a wide variety of tissues.Additional IGF-1 is generated within target tissues,making it what appears to be both an endocrine and anautocrine/paracrine hormone.buy hygetropin.IGF-1 also has stimulatory effects on osteoblast and chondrocyte activity to promote bone growth.Where to buy hygetropin?www.hygetropinreviews.com.In addition to increasing height in children and adolescents, growth hormone has many other effects on the body:
    a.Increases calcium retention, and strengthens and increases the mineralization of bone
    b.Increases muscle mass through sarcomere hyperplasia
    c.Promotes lipolysis
    d.Increases protein synthesis
    e.Stimulates the growth of all internal organs excluding the brain
    f.Plays a role in fuel homeostasis
    g.Reduces liver uptake of glucose
    h.Promotes gluconeogenesis in the liver
    i.Contributes to the maintenance and function of pancreatic islets
    J.Stimulates the immune system

    Releasing the vacuum inside vial
    Hygetropin® vials are air-vacuumed to preserve the powder. Before using an Hygetropin® hGH vial you should let all air out of the vial, this should be done only once for every new vial to be used. buy hygetropin HGH online.It can be done by inserting a bare needle or one attached to a syringe into the vial to let all air get out of the vial.
    Reconstitution OF HYGETROPIN
    Hygetropin® should be used with sterile bacteriostatic water for injection. The water acts as a solvent to dissolve the powder inside the vial and turn it into an injectable solution.buy hygetropin,Use a new sterile syringe (pin width should be 19G-27G) to pull solvent into syringe (1ml of water or less) Inject the water very slowly in a controlled manner to the side of the vial and let the water slide down the bottom of the vial. Do not push the water directly onto the GH powder! Where to buy hygetropin.Doing so will damage it.buy hygetropin,Gently dissolve the drug with a slow, swirling motion. Do not shake vigorously, or the active ingredient might denature. buy hygetropin HGH online.Inspect to see if there is still powder at the bottom of the vial, you may need to let the vial in room temperature for a few minutes in order for powder to dissolve completely.
    Injection HYGETROPIN
    Using an sterile syringe gently withdraw from the vial the desired dose to be injected and release any unwanted air from the syringe. Hygetropin® should be injected subcutaneously by preferred areas are stomach or upper thighs.buy hygetropin,Wash hands and rub skin with alcohol pad, with one hand pinch 2" inch fold of skin between your thumb and index finger.buy hygetropin HGH online.Where to buy hygetropin?www.hygetropinreviews.com.Hold the syringe with the other hand. Insert the needle at 45- 90 degrees angle to the pinched skin. Gently pull back the plunger to check for blood. If blood enters the solution do not inject, withdraw the needle and start again at a new injection spot. Push the plunger gently to inject, when plunger is all the way down, remove the syringe gently and lightly hold an alcohol pad on the injection spot. Do not rub the area. Dispose of syringe, needles and alchohol pads are always use new ones for each injection. The injection spot should be varied to prevent lipoathrophy.

    5.How much Hygetropin GH should I use?
    These are the typical Hygetropin hGH doses that people use:
    Anti-Aging: 2iu-4iu daily
    Fat loss: 4iu-8iu daily
    Muscle building: 8iu-24iu daily
    * Most people follow one of the following protocols:
    - Every day injections
    - Every day injections, with 2 days off every 6th day (a.k.a. 5 days on, 2 days off)
    - Alternate day injections - In this manner the dose taken every other day is double that of the "Every day injection" protocol.

    6.Your doctor will deterimine the best protocol for you.

    7.How do I turn Hygetropin into an injectable solution?
    Hygetropin is shipped in vials each containing 8iu of GH in powder form.buy hygetropin HGH online. Before you can use Hygetropin you need to mix it with a solvent such as sterile water or bacteriostatic water, a process known as reconstitution.buy hygetropin.It is only after you mix it with the solvent that it becomes a clear solution you can inject.Where to buy hygetropin?www.hygetropinreviews.com.This process shouldn't take more than a few minutes. 

    8.Where can I get sterile or bacteriostatic water?
    You can try you local pharmacy as it may not require a prescription in your country. Most people get strile water and bacteriostatic over the internet. buy hygetropin HGH online.Just run a google search forBacteriostatic Water.buy hygetropin.You should get plenty of sites offering it. Prices are very low. Make sure the water you get reads "for injection" on the vial. Where to buy hygetropin?IronMan Muscle is the best choice

    9.What is the difference between sterile and bacteriostatic water?
    You can use either, the difference is for how long the hgh solution will remain potent.Reconstituted with Bacteriostatic Water for Injection (also known as Sterile Water water with 0.9% benzyl alcohol) - An Hygetropin vial should be used within 10 days. Where to buy hygetropin?www.hygetropinreviews.com.Reconstituted with Sterile Water for Injection - An Hygetropin vial should be used within 3 days. 

    10.How can Hygetropin stay unrefrigerated during shipping ?
    Hygetropin was formulated specifically to withstand being out of refrigeration for 28 days without getting ruined.buy hygetropin.It's just important to place it in the refrigerator once you receive it and avoid exposure to light, heat or extreme temperatures. Where to buy hygetropin?Simply store in the fridge as soon as you get it. buy hygetropin HGH online.

    Keep at 2~8ºC in the refrigerator,away from light.Where to buy hygetropin? www.hygetropinreviews.com.
    Before reconstitution OF HYGETROPIN: 
    --If refrigerated between 2-8ºC, it's good until expiration date.
    --At room temperature (under 37ºC) it's good for over 30 days.
    After reconstitution OF HYGETROPIN:
    --Use Bacteriostatic Water to reconstitute and keep in 2~8ºC, it will be
    good for 10 days.
    --Use Sterile Water to reconstitute and keep in 2~8ºC. it will be good
    for 72 hours.


    Is Steroid-Induced Heart Enlargement Dangerous?

    Dear Dr. Scally, Can you help me understand the relationship between anabolic steroids and the enlargement of the heart and the relative risks arising from the steroid-induced increase in heart size? I am concern because several studies have shown that left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) occurs in individuals that use anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS).

    LVH in athletes is generally considered to be benign physiological LVH as opposed to the dangerous pathological LVH. Physiological LVH would include both anaerobic as well as aerobic training; the adaptation appears to be harmless and regresses over time when training is discontinued.

    However, it seems as if the eccentric LVH from aerobic training is more beneficial since it causes an increase in hole diameter, relaxation, and elasticity as opposed to the concentric LVH from anaerobic training (e.g. resistance training) which may actually decrease hole diameter while simultaneously increase size, stiffness, and contraction. Is this true?

    Pathological LVH is usually due to long-term uncontrolled hypertension (HTN) although it is very rarely caused by a pre-existing genetic condition known as hypercaridopmyopathy (HCM). Pathological LVH is a risk factor for myocardial infarction (MI), stroke, sudden cardiac death, and congestive heart failure (CHF). So, anything that causes pathologoical LVH should clearly be avoided.

    Do you know why AAS causes LVH and what type of LVH it causes? Is it due to androgen receptor (AR) activation in the heart? Is it more likely to be concentric since most bodybuilders and powerlifters, drug-free or natural, already have concentric LVH due to the nature of their training routines?

    The statements raise a number of questions all which would take volumes to fully answer. In brief, they are the different forms of left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH), physiological vs. pathological, and the forms that arise from physiological LVH. The cardiac morphologic changes regarding LVH include increased left ventricular cavity dimension, wall thickness, and calculated mass. Finally, what effects do AAS administration have upon LVH and can one safely extrapolate form this safety of long-term (life long) AAS use.

    Pathological LVH, as you note, occurs after conditions such as myocardial infarction (pressure overload), inflammatory myocardial disease, with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy, or with volume overload. Of importance is the relative benefit/risk screening of athletes for Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (HCM) since HCM is regarded to be the most common cause of sudden death in young athletes.

    The generally accepted clinical definition of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, independent of age, is a disease state characterized by unexplained LVH associated with a nondilated ventricular chamber, in the absence of another cardiac or systemic disease, which itself would be capable of producing the magnitude of hypertrophy evident in a given patient. The prevalence of HCM in highly trained athletes is extremely rare. Further, structural and functional changes associated with HCM naturally select out most individuals from competitive sports. A small minority of male athletes may exhibit substantial increases in cardiac size that overlap with the phenotypic manifestation of the cardiomyopathies.

    Physiological LVH observed in athletes is often associated with morphological changes in the heart, including increases in left ventricular chamber size, wall thickness, and mass. The increase in left ventricular mass as a result of training is called “athlete’s heart.”

    The proposed LVH difference, concentric vs. eccentric, is known as the “Morganroth hypothesis.” In 1975, Morganroth and colleagues hypothesized that the cardiac morphological adaptation observed in athletes corresponded with the nature of the hemodynamic stimulus imposed on the ventricles during repeated exercise bouts.

    Endurance training purportedly leads to an eccentric form of cardiac hypertrophy, principally characterized by increased left ventricular (LV) cavity dimension with a proportional increase in wall thickness, and thus LV mass (LVM), as a consequence of prolonged repetitive volume overload. There is an unchanged relationship between left ventricular wall thickness and left ventricular radius (i.e., ratio of wall thickness to radius).

    In contrast, strength training is supposedly associated with a concentric form of hypertrophy where increased ventricular wall thickness, with no change in cavity size, underpins the elevated LVM as a consequence of the high systemic arterial pressure overload produced during strenuous resistive exercise. Strength-trained athletes are presumed to demonstrate concentric left ventricular hypertrophy, which is characterized by a changed, increased, ratio of wall thickness to radius.

    The “Morganroth hypothesis” has been broadly adopted in the scientific and medical literature, partly as a consequence of a large body of cross-sectional evidence suggesting that endurance athletes have greater cavity dimensions than control subjects or resistance athletes. However, in conflict with the “Morganroth hypothesis,” several studies suggest that LV wall thickness is increased more in endurance, than strength-trained athletes and others have reported no morphological changes in resistance-trained athletes.

    The controversial data may reflect variability in the training stimuli, with little obvious attempt to quantify these issues in previous research; more sensitive technologies, such as magnetic resonance imaging, are now being employed for the assessment of cardiac morphology; and the process of scaling (or normalizing) cardiac size for between-subject differences in body size and composition. These considerations emphasize the limitations of the predominance of cross-sectional comparisons in the available literature, which assume that differences between groups are due to a training effect per se rather than other between-subject differences. There are currently limited longitudinal data available to comment on the effects of different modalities of exercise training on LV cavity dimension and wall thickness.

    In summary, significant caveats related to cross-sectional literature, the relative insensitivity of echocardiographic measurements and the paucity of evidence from longitudinal exercise training studies, warrant ongoing research to verify the “Morganroth hypothesis.” Currently, there is insufficient high-quality extant evidence to endorse the “Morganroth hypothesis” of differential adaptation to aerobic and resistance training.

    Athlete’s heart is generally regarded as a benign increase in cardiac mass, with specific circulatory and cardiac morphological alterations, that represents a physiological adaptation to systematic training. Extreme LV remodeling evident in some highly trained athletes has intuitively raised a concern of whether such exercise-related morphological adaptations are always innocent. There is increasing recognition of the impact that prolonged conditioning has on cardiac remodeling, which may eventually mimic certain pathological conditions with the potential for sudden death or disease progression. Studies show ~15% of highly trained athletes show striking LV cavity enlargement, with end-diastolic dimensions similar in magnitude to that evident in pathological forms of dilated cardiomyopathy.

    Overall, athlete’s heart demonstrates normal systolic and diastolic cardiac functions. There is no evidence at present showing that athlete’s heart remodeling leads to long-term disease progression, cardiovascular disability, or sudden cardiac death. The possibility that persistence of extreme remodeling after prolonged and intensive conditioning will ultimately convey deleterious cardiovascular consequences to some athletes is perhaps unlikely but at this time cannot be excluded with certainty.

    One might expect AAS exposure to be associated with an exaggerated LV hypertrophic response to any other hypertrophic stimulus. In one very small study, several years after discontinuation of anabolic steroid abuse, strength athletes still showed a slight concentric left ventricular hypertrophy in comparison with AAS-free strength athletes. LVH is an independent risk factor for cardiovascular mortality and (through whatever mechanism) one might anticipate an excess cardiovascular mortality among AAS users in whom LVH occurs. Such data must nonetheless be treated with caution.

    So, in your opinion, do you feel that there may be any reason to worry about LVH triggered by long-term AAS use?

    At this time the evidence does not show a heightened concern for LVH, particularly at the doses cited in your post. There are no studies demonstrating an association between AAS use and cardiovascular morbidity and mortality. There are a number of anecdotal reports that must be read and interpreted with caution. In my opinion, since these questions are unresolved and other considerations that must be included regarding long-term AAS use, I would recommend against their use in this manner.

    My next question is, if AAS induced LVH is not harmful, then would it be okay to stay on a low dose testosterone enanthate (TE) cycle, say 200mg/wk year round, OR 100mg/wk of TPP/NPP combo year round, to keep all my muscular gains? Then do a high dose 12wk @ 800mg/wk Primobolan cycle 1 time a year when I am ready to put on an extra 5-10lbs of dry tissue gains?

    If LVH from AAS use is nothing to worry about, is there a downside to my low dose TE OR TPP/NPP year round? I know that there are some individuals that have to be on some type of high-dose AAS 24/7 for many years and even decades, examples being Jose Canseco, Hulk Hogan, and Superstar Billy Graham, with each of these individuals not having any type of heart related ailment that I am currently aware of. On the other hand though, the autopsy report of Eddie Guerrero noted that one of his reasons for death was acute heart failure, so I don’t know if this may have been attributed to AAS induced LVH or not.

    Your question makes an assumption, which actually exposes the reason for your post! Since this assumption requires a leap in faith and disregards all other considerations to take into account with long-term AAS use, I do not think that any amount of evidence regarding the adverse effects of AAS use will deter you. In my opinion, even if one was to assume that “AAS induced LVH is not harmful,” there is little to support your idea of AAS use.          Anabolic steroids and left ventricular hypertrophy of the heart

    Why are Steroids Stacked?

    Q: What is the premise of stacking and what anabolic-androgenic steroids (AAS) can be stacked?

    A: The concept of stacking dates back decades, essentially to the beginning of non-medical anabolic steroid use. These drugs were used medically long before athletes began to utilize them for performance enhancement. By the time they became popular in sports, there was already a full class of steroid drugs available in the pharmacies.

    Some came as pills, while many others were made into injections. They all offered the potential of muscle growth, although each drug did seem to have its own qualitative properties different from the others.

    This led to a great deal of experimenting among bodybuilders and athletes, each searching for the most effective or comfortable option(s) for their goals. User experiences led to an early understanding of which drugs worked best, which were less effective, and of course, which caused the most and least side effects.

    Athletes quickly began separating steroids into two general categories.

    The first includes those drugs usually identified as more androgenic, such as testosterone, oxymetholone, and methandrostenolone. These “androgens” were very strong for building muscle, but were also highly prone to side effects, especially when taken in higher dosages. Each seemed to have a relatively low dosage threshold for how much was tolerable. Higher doses would quickly cause side effects like gynecomastia, water retention, and/or aggravated hair loss.

    The second category included the less androgenic steroids such as stanozolol, oxandrolone, and nandrolone. These “anabolic” steroids were known to produce fewer side effects. They, however, never worked quite as well for building muscle as drugs of the “androgen” class. So very basically, the “anabolics” were actually weaker for building muscle, but more tolerable overall. Note that I use quotes because these are informal classifications, not scientific.

    The idea of taking more than one steroid at a time was a natural curiosity. This curiosity was quickly placed into widespread practice, however, given drugs with dose-dependant anabolic effects and no overdose threshold. The experimentation eventually evolved into a more organized concept of “stacking”, or the utilization of more than one steroid at a time in order to maximize gains and manage side effects.

    We can look at stacking as combining drugs with a purpose. Most often, it involved the use of a stronger base “androgen”, and a milder (primarily “anabolic”) steroid. The androgen was typically used to the maximum tolerable dosage point. From there, the anabolic was added, and both drugs adjusted so that a peak muscle-building effect could be reached without excessive side effects. The weaker steroid was essentially used to compliment/add to the effects of the stronger, which could no longer be comfortably dose escalated.

    Today, we understand much more about ancillary medications such as anti-estrogens and reductase inhibitors, which can be used to minimize the side effects of steroid therapy. As such, an argument could be made that stacking is less important now than it was decades ago, when the most common form of side effect mitigation was a dosage adjustment.

    For example, a recreational weightlifter running a couple of steroid cycles per year could probably take something like testosterone enanthate by itself (along with some tamoxifen or anastrozole when needed) and still yield the improvements they are looking for. Since testosterone offers the lowest cardiovascular toxicity of all popular steroids, it is something I certainly would endorse if I could.

    Not everyone can get by with only testosterone drugs, especially when body sculpting becomes a primary focus. There is really no set right or wrong way to combine AAS into stacks. Arguments can be made for essentially unlimited approaches. Since anabolic steroids are strong muscle building drugs, I doubt you will find many stack concepts that don’t “work”. Still, I would say you have a few more logical types of combinations.

    This first involves an injectable stacked with an oral. Since most orals are liver toxic, you really do not want to take more than one at a time. There are many highly effective oral-injectable combinations. In fact, the most effective bulking stack of all time is arguably the simple combination of testosterone and oxymetholone (Anadrol).

    Another stack might be the already discussed androgen base with anabolic add-on. Remember that nandrolone and methandrostenolone (Deca + D-Bol) was one of the most popular stacks of the ‘80s. Of course, it works just as good today as it did back then. How about using a moderately estrogenic steroid with a low/non-estrogen producer? Testosterone (any ester) and methenolone enanthate (Primobolan Depot) comes to mind. It works very well and avoids the use of a liver toxic oral.