
Does HGH Increase Muscle Mass

There are many known benefits of HGH since its discovery. HGH is now a known substance for delaying aging, building muscles, cell regeneration, reduction of oxidation among cells and providing strength and vitality. Many body builders are now using HGH to supplement them in their quest towards a powerful, shapely body. 

A great looking body is shapely and well formed, and you cannot achieve this if you have less muscle mass. There are many ways on how to improve muscle mass. Nowadays, HGH supplements has become an object of interest, as it has become a popular supplement to increase muscle mass. But does HGH really increase muscle mass? 

Yes it does. Human growth hormone stimulates growth and cell production in the human body. When we were young, this hormone was responsible for making our muscles grow. It is secreted by the pituitary gland in the brain, and its main function is to increase the body's height and muscle mass. 

HGH promotes anabolism

Anabolism is the process of building up muscle from protein and other nutrients which help make it grow. There are studies which have examined the effect of HGH on the growth plates. This is because HGH Injections promotes the release of IGF-1, a pro-insulin substance. Once IGF-1 is released on the liver as a result of HGH secretion from the pituitary, it uses up energy from glucose in the bloodstream, thus glucose is not converted as fat in the subcutaneous tissue. HGH uses up glucose to build muscle, instead of converting extra glucose into fat. 

HGH promotes growth

IGFs not only burn glucose for energy to build muscle, it also promotes bone formation and organ growth. This happens when the pituitary releases growth hormone to target tissues such as bones, organs and muscles, thus making them grow. This is why HGH also builds muscle in this way. 

The other fact is that these IGFs also increase the production of binding proteins that help in building up muscle cells and tissues. 

HGH promotes regeneration

To build muscle constantly, there must be regeneration to replenish damaged and old tissues. HGH promotes regeneration in the muscle by the use of satellite cells. Satellite cells are muscle precursor cells which are dormant until they are acted upon by growth factors released by HGH and thus they regenerate into new muscle cells and tissues, thus building up muscle. HGH is said to increase muscle activity, muscle DNA content, muscle protein content, muscle weight and muscle cross sectional area. 

How HGH increases muscle mass

Human growth hormone increases muscle mass through one of the following ways. First it directly binds to the muscle fibers through the use of specialized receptors. Once it binds to these specialized receptors, a series of reactions may result. Growth and multiplication of muscle cells and tissues may result, and these may lead to increased muscle mass! And this is different from weight training in the gym. With weight training, your muscle cells only increase in size of hypertrophy. With growth hormone, your muscle cells increase in number. Thus you achieve better muscle bulk and form than when you are exercising in the gym. 

Growth hormone also increases the secretion of IGF-1, or insulin like growth factor. This growth factor is so remarkable that it encourages growth and development of almost all cells, especially muscle cells and connective tissue cells. Thus you gain more muscle bulk. It also makes you burn glucose and faster to give your body energy to synthesize proteins to build muscle. 

The growth hormone and IGF-1 stimulate the secretion of amino acids which are building blocks of muscle cells and fibers. Thus, great amounts of amino acids lead to increased muscle bulk. That is how HGH increases muscle mass! 

